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     We provide Appraisal services for the smallest to largest Counties throughout Ohio. The Company understands that each County has their own needs and wants. In cooperation with each client the Company can individually modify its application to meet and exceed the client’s expectations.



     Revaluations are the basis for achieving County wide tax equalization while reflecting market value. Our preferred methodology for providing the highest quality reappraisal is to make an accurate visual or on-site inspection along with a consistent application of standard mass appraisal practices for each property. The utilization of available technological tools enhances the final product by providing additional resources to reflect accurate property characteristics while adding elements of timely performance and cost effective solutions.

Triennial Updates

     Through analysis and validation of the County’s sales data and the verification of defined neighborhood boundaries the Company studies the market trends throughout the County. After the examination of the Data is complete, the Company works in conjunction with the County to apply property factor adjustments to each refined neighborhood to reflect current Market Values County wide.

Annual New Construction & Maintenance

     Our Company’s appraisers will accurately measure, list, appraise and data enter all new construction, The Company will refer to similar graded improvements to ensure uniformity within a County. Also, the Company will maintain parcel creations and parcel combinations that happen on a yearly basis throughout a County.

Data Verification

       The Company offers a variety of Verification Services to enhance public record accuracy.


  • Improvement Verification- The verification of improvement locations, types, sizes and attributes using Oblique Aerial Photography, Geographic Information Systems (G.I.S.), Street Level Photographs, Multiple Listing Service (MLS) and on-site inspections.


  • Sales Verification- Real estate sales are verified and validated using the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), County Record transfer history, and on-site interviews.


  • Exempt Property VerificationThe verification of property use through on-site inspections.


  • C.A.U.V. VerificationThe verification of property use using Oblique Aerial Photography, Geographic Information Systems (G.I.S.), Street Level Photographs and on-site inspections.

“Like Real” Manufactured Home Appraisals

      The appraisal of “Like Real” manufactured homes is done systematically and in coordination with the appraisal of manufactured homes that are classed as real estate. The analysis of sales relative to location, condition, age, quality, size and amenities are important factors in determining accurate valuations for these properties.   


Board of Revision and Board of Tax Appeals

     We assist in the process of listening to tax payer valuation complaints and provide objective opinions to the Board of Revision. Our qualified licensed appraisers have the experience, knowledge and resources to provide a competent opinion of value. A full appraisal report on all types of properties can be provided for the Board of Tax Appeals.




     Integrity Appraisal Services Inc. offers professional guidance and service for all appraisal related projects from reappraisal planning to support of appraisal values. Our experienced and qualified management group can provide solutions to any appraisal related issues that a County may encounter.

Data CAMA Conversion

     The Company provides Data Conversion maintenance of old CAMA systems to more current versions by manually examining and comparing  previous record codes to current codes and pricing guidelines. This is used to accurately reflect historical information in today’s systems and provides accuracy for future appraisal projects.

© 2014 Integrity Appraisal Services

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